Frequently Asked Questions

What are the quantities at which your products are sold?

Products are either sold by the cubic yard, which is referred to as just a “yard,” or by the ton (2,000 pounds).  The following products are sold by the yard:
  1. Mortar Sand
  2. Chapel Hill Gravel
  3. Topsoil
  4. Mulch
All other products (e.g., crushed stone, screenings, river rock) are sold by the ton.  Customers can also purchase smaller amounts such as buckets or shovels.  Prices for these quantities vary depending on the product.

How do I know how much of a product to buy?

We have calculators that give us the exact tonnage or yardage using the dimensions of the area to fill or cover.  But, if you are up for a mathematical challenge, here goes:
  1. Multiply the length of the area to cover by the width.  Make sure that all numbers are either in inches, feet, or yards.  Don’t mix increments!
  2. Next, multiply the value from above by the depth of the cover you want to provide.  For example, you may want to top-dress a driveway with crushed stone and have a 2” cover.
  3. Take this final number, known as the volume of material, and convert it to yards as follows:
  • If you were using yards as your increments, do nothing more.
  • If you were using feet as your increments, divide the number by 27.
  • If you were using inches as your increments, divide the number by 46,656.  (You really don’t want to use inches!)
  • River Rock – 2.0
  • Sand/Gravel – 1.5
  • Crushed stone – 1.3
  • Topsoil – 1 yard is equal to about 1 ton
  1. If you are buying product that is sold by the ton, multiply your “yardage” value by the following number to get tons:

How do I get your products?

You can pick it up yourself or we can deliver. We add a fuel surcharge to the price of the product and will deliver to the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area. Outside this area, there is a charge for additional miles. We can usually deliver within a 24-hour period.

How do I know which product to use for an application/project?

Call us. That is what we are here for. Also, we have a showroom yard so that you can see the products we sell.

What can I use on a driveway that keeps washing out?

Chapel Hill Gravel and “crush and run” ABC (recycled concrete) are the best products to use as a base on driveways. ABC has a larger rock than Chapel Hill Gravel and will resist washout a little better if the driveway is on a grade. Once compacted, it can be top-dressed with crushed stone if so desired.

I still have other questions. Now what?

Give us a call at 919-967-2241